2024 is special for us. In early 2019 we launched the first commercial version of BeeKing. It's been quite a journey, full of ups and downs, since our first customer in February 2019. Our company has grown, the BeeKing app has evolved and today is helping thousands of beekeepers all over the world better than ever.
Thank you for being with us!
Control your app in hands-free mode. Enter data with voice and NFC sensors. It takes less than 15 seconds to make a note. Works without internet coverage.
If you are beekeeping with up to 2 bee colonies, you can use BeeKing for free without time limits. If you have more bee colonies, please choose one our paid plans. Users of our Standard Plan can also connect BeeKing with smart beehive scales by Prohiver.
Become a part of our community. Access our staff for support and share experience with your fellow beekeepers.
Life-cycle management of queen bees and colonies.
Keep full records of apiaries and hives, create your own numbering system.
Planning and recording tasks / notes tailored to seasons using voice, NFC hive tags and manual data entry.
After sign-up you are ready to set up your apiary and colonies. We have tried to make the app as easy to setup and use as possible, but should you have any questions please contact us at info@beeking.eu.
If you have up to 10 colonies please buy the Starter Plan. In order to work with an unlimited number of colonies and be able to connect with smart beehive scales by Prohiver please buy the Standard Plan.
The Starter Plan allows you to work with up to 10 colonies. The Standard Plan allows to work with an unlimited number of apiaries and colonies, and to connect the app with smart beehive scales by Prohiver.
Add hive tags to your order. They use NFC technology, can be attached to hives and make working in the apiary much more efficient. Click on the picture of the tag to learn more and buy.
Pay quickly and securely on the App Store or here with
or bank transfer.
Please send an email to info@beeking.eu and we'll be in touch with you.
Limited Liability Company “BeeTech Services” has signed an agreement with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) on Incubation support within the framework of the ERDF Project No. “Regional Business Incubators and Creative Industries Incubator”.